Recently I was reading books (Programming Groovy and Groovy Recipes) about Groovy and recognized the potential in it. Using the JVM as a carrier makes the scripts available on all relevant platforms.
Actually it took some time to get the thing working, so I believe it might help others to check out my solution on curl in Groovy:
def curl(url, headers, fileName, outputFileName = 'out.log') { def connection = new URL(url).openConnection() connection.setRequestMethod(fileName ? 'POST' : 'GET') headers.each() { key, value -> connection.setRequestProperty(key ,value) } connection.doOutput = true if (fileName) { if (isPdf(fileName)) { // *** connection.outputStream << new File(fileName).readBytes() connection.outputStream.flush() connection.outputStream.close() } else { connection.outputStream.withWriter() { writer -> new File(fileName).eachByte() { writer.write it } } } } connection.connect() new File(outputFileName).withOutputStream{ out -> connection.content.eachByte() {out.write it} } connection.headerFields }The point is in the conditional statement marked with stars: according to the type of the file (binary or text) I had to handle posted data different ways.